Parents and Grandparents -- Pop Quiz December 6, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

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Parents and Grandparents -- Pop Quiz December 6, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

Read the background information, then answer the questions:

We are under attack. Our families are under attack. Our country is under attack. So, let me give you the 25 words or less explanation:

After the Civil War, traitors in the Rump Congress and the U.S. Military betrayed us and went into business for themselves.

Everything that we are experiencing now and all the bad things we have experienced prior to this are a direct result of this fact, but, it's a fact, that, of course, nobody ever taught you in Public School.

That is, School for the Public. The Public -- that's us, according to them.

We are a separate population, and our education is being hand-crafted by those who are preying upon us in the same way a cattle rancher preys upon his cattle. There is a certain element of "care" involved, to the extent that he protects you from the wolves until you wind up on his own table.

These generational criminals who have benefited from the crimes begun in the wake of the Civil War, have a vested interest in educating "the Public" to believe anything that they tell us to believe.

Telling the truth -- that they got into power by committing treason and stealing everyone blind 150 years ago and ever since--- is not something they will teach you.

You will have to learn and observe that for yourselves.

It's not in their best interest to teach you the truth, so, they "educate the Public" to believe anything and everything else. It's the Russians fault. It's the Chinese. It's the Iranians. No, no, it's the Vietnamese! It's the Germans. It's a suspicious pink unicorn with a silver horn....

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