Private: Operation Fearful Lord vs Prince of Peace

4 years ago

This Unedited version is pretty much just for MJ and Impossible Army and anyone they decide to share it with. Apart from that it’s important to please keep this Private and Confidential. The video begins after I had been shouting my lines which go (Loud war cry to grab attention)” All Hail the Lord Far Flung Flu Fear
Salute your Viral chief of Rash
Bow low in Diaper Faced adoration bare not your face before him for it is an abomination I’m here to announce a terrible plan to protect your weak defenceless condition give thanks to your Fearful lord for mandatory surgical upgrades will soon remove the face of man from the face of the planet(this Crescendo met by roaring applause)now my children keep distancing from the ways of old and Never forget you are bending over in the Presence of the invisible all powerful all knowing king of every
Con possessing all delusional magnificence your only hope of salvation continue to fear his prophets (news reporters/deAth authorities) and blindly accept their decrees trusting that
No harm shall come to any grandma so long as you obey them keep your heart in paranoid expectation and always watching and listening to the fear porn prophecies revealed and repeated and repeated (5-7x)by the oracles of far flung flu fear the
mainstream news
Yes wait in anxious discomfort until the ceremonial jab of vaccination will introduce your system the most cunning conclusion to our long planned upset of business usual and is sure to put you out of your misery.

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