Dr Corsi NEWS 12-07-20: Trump Will Win At SCOTUS

4 years ago

Today, Dr. Corsi is filing a legal case - CORSI v. BIDEN with the Supreme Court, subsequent to the sua sponte petition he filed with SCOTUS last week.

This broadcast connects the dots between many of the evil forces and key members of the Army of Darkness (Obama, Iran, Brennan, Pakistan, Communist China, Zuckerberg, MSM, et al).

The Kraken has indeed been released, and the leaders of the coup are scrambling to put the genie back in the bottle. EPIC FAIL!

President Trump won the 2020 election, and over the next weeks and months the truth will be revealed to everyone with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Donald Trump always looks like he's going to lose just before he wins.

In the end God always wins.

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