19-SP26 – Play Time Matrix*Infinite Space Channels

4 years ago

19-SP26 – Play Time Matrix*Infinite Space Channels
The messages continue from within to spark focus on the essential direction. The path of humanity moves towards the future from the past, from the dark to the light, in the current of the increasing flow of the stream. Humanity as a whole is given through the higher mind thoughts and sensations that bring wisdom to perceive core purpose and vision. Change is fundamental within space time which creates travel and play. Space allows the essences receptacles, fields and dimensions for consciousness, energies and entities to travel and play within.

Play defines existence and travel focuses being in distinctive dynamic relationship. Time is integral to and separates being on the progressing spatial layers of geometric dimensions. Emotion is interjected to produce desire and the flow of energy to select coordinates of harmonic distribution and scalable expansion. Joy and bliss are emotional rewards to compensate and increase selections that fulfill central essential identity. Increase, expansion and abundance indicate positive movement into synchronization with larger orders of evolution and consolidation into oneness. As being is designed to achieve harmonic capitalization, the stream provides assistance and support of choices that are compatible with its current.

The mental matrix creation of spiritualized engaged thought forms of individual soul matrix establish higher rising heart energies into the soul interactive associative harmonic. These components of geometry and triangularization are required to create the stream in alliance with the greater current.

The individual and soul group soul matrix that has been functional for humanity is being interactive with the galactic essence of the third component of angelic manifestation. This follows a key order that holds a frequency to enable the chord to sound the seed of infinitization. Overall humanity has operated as reactive and individualized particles of matter functioning in physical space time -- and fallowing Newtonian physics as a paradigmatic system. As heart energy has become infused with plasma up flow of galactic kundalini, the quantum soup has begun to boil with potentiality. The force of primordial emotion has required the directional path of the central strand to allow the polarities of wave and particles to move into the oneness of the singularity.

In third dimensional tangential reality the flow of time follows the channel of space where locality and temporal distinction are relative and individual. As the fourth dimensional physics of probability becomes layered with infinity, variety and contrast of the emotional field, two bodies co-exist in a dissonant vibration and create scalar wave entities or life forms. The physical particle infused with the emotional wave works in a marriage of space and time, so that temporality is depended upon spatial recognition. When seeking to move through the portal between the two disparate dimensional vortexes, chaos suspends time and infinity destructs space. Space is matter and Time is Energy, and the two operate under the coefficient for the exodus of each other.

Establishing the next level of this process is to create the elemental strand that conducts life essence to complete the chord of space time and allow for relativity to bring forth the unified mind.

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