Four Bible stories to keep in mind as we fight for this nation against an attempted coup

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3 years ago

Many Trump supporters are starting to lose hope. The hour is late, but there's still time. Here, we discuss the four stories from the Bible that should give us plenty of hope.

It's already been over a month since the election and there has been little movement towards fixing the results of the election to match the will of the people instead of the will of those who would cheat to put Joe Biden in the Oval Office. In reality, there have been tons of moves made, but as patriots we are often very impatient. We want action. We want results.

Those results may come. Or they may not. Our job is to keep fighting, keep praying, and understand that God's will must be done. That doesn't mean we throw up our hands and sing, "Jesus Take the Wheel," but we do what we can and stay faithful. And hopeful. Things aren't nearly as bad as some believe them to be just as they're not nearly as good as others claim.

As we push forward, there are certain stories from the Bible that we should take to heart. I discussed them in more detail in the latest episode of NOQ Report, but here's a breakdown of the most important one in this context: The story of Gideon from the Book of Judges.

In the story, Gideon is a mighty warrior and judge for the Lord. He is told to gather an army to fight the Midianites. But after he brings together around 32,000 men from the various tribes, the Angel of the Lord instructs him to start reducing the numbers. He does not want anyone to believe the victory that is about to come against much larger forces has anything to do with the men involved. God will deliver them, and He wants no doubt about it.

First Gideon sends home anyone who does not want to fight. That reduces the number remaining to about 10,000. Then, he is instructed to do something rather odd, at least by our standards. He takes the men down to the river to drink and divides them up between those who put their face to the water and lap it up like dogs and those who cup their hands and bring the water to their mouth. Around 300 men drink directly from the river, and those 300 are the men who will fight the multitudes of Midianites waiting for them. And they, of course, won.

We, as patriots who think for ourselves, may wonder why so many "conservatives" have abandoned the cause and sided with calls for President Trump to concede. We're learning who among us is weak or even traitorous. And if the President is reelected, which I believe will happen, then it will be clear to many that God's will and not the will of men made it happen. It won't be as dramatic or obvious as Gideon's 300-man victory, but it will be a strong example of the sovereignty of God.

But what if President Trump doesn't win? What if he loses? We cannot know as only God knows the future from the past, but we know it will still be God's will and we should not question it. Just as the Israelites questioned the efficacy of judges and demanded a King, we need to be careful what we want. We do not know how this will end but we know the very end will be glorious and redemptive. All we can and should do is pray, honor our Lord, and do our best to fulfill His will.

Doubting that President Trump can win at this point is doubting what God can accomplish, which is anything. That's not to say a Trump reelection is in God's plan, but if it is, it will certainly happen.

Cantina Blues by Kevin MacLeod

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