Verdict with Ted Cruz ~ E60 ~ The Battle Over Ballots

4 years ago

Verdict with Ted Cruz ~ E60 ~ Full Show ~ 6th December 2020.

Despite the media stomping its feet and saying the election is over, it's not. Following the filing of an emergency appeal in the U.S. Supreme Court challenging the election results in Pennsylvania, Senator Ted Cruz joins Michael Knowles to dissect the current state of the presidential race, the legal challenges that have arisen, and the battle that lies ahead for Team Trump. Plus, why is the Georgia senate race the most consequential senate race in this lifetime?

Join Senator Ted Cruz and co-host Michael Knowles as they break down the most important news stories of the day and reveal what they mean for you. On "Verdict with Ted Cruz," you will go behind the scenes of the political debates that define our country.

Never Back Down! Never Lose Faith! Never Give Up!

🏍Godspeed President🏆Donald J Trump🏆🏍

I'll try upload news shows that report fairly the day after they've aired.

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Please Share the Hell out of any Voter Fraud / Election Fraud Incidents.


⇊⇊ Official Voter Fraud - 2020 ⇊⇊



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