3 years ago

5 years ago there l was lying dying in the murky ditch water of my transgressions and iniquities. I was a sinner to my core. Sure l can try to justify some of my actions, sure l was ignorant, sure in some cases l had “no choice” but the fact remains at the end of the day it is l who chose to commit these egregious acts and be a GODLess sinner. My list of sins read like a hardened criminals wrap sheet.

I am guilty of having broken all 10 of GOD’S Commands. These are some of my confessions, let’s see I was an alcoholic, lust filled fornicating pothead, codeine high chaser turned liar to cover up and hide my sins, which were scarlet red like crimson. There also was that 1 regrettable abortion l had at 22 which by the way my dear ladies (an unplanned pregnancy is not the worst thing that can happen to a young woman but the depression and self-loathing that often follow an abortion can destroy you, so choose life it’s a precious specially crafted Gift from GOD) These atrocities led me down a very dark torturous and destructive path accompanied by depression and suicide.

So you can imagine my utter surprise and delight when THE LORD JESUS visited that gutter of sin l resided in, chose and called me, liiiiiiike me!?!?!?!? One of the worst, to follow HIM to HIS FATHER GOD’S KINGDOM!!!!!😳 Who am I LORD that YOU are mindful of me😩

After all l have done, and as lost as l was THE LORD HOLY SPIRIT led me to accept, believe and have Faith in JESUS CHRIST alone, getting baptized 5 years ago today therefore Justifying me, delivering from a life of sin, helping me repent of my past, forgiving me and washing my heinous sins away whiter than snow by HIS Blood, making me a new creation, a Child Of GOD #OnlyGOD

To this day I still struggle with beating myself up in regret of whom l had become, what l have done (#Scars) as well as wrestle with the consequences of my past. However l am filled with complete Love for GOD and sheer Awe that GOD would choose and accept me through it all, I am still a working progress and do fall short of GOD’S Glory but l am determined to keep running, (crawl if l have to) this Race of Faith and Holiness in CHRIST loudly, proudly and boldly. l aim to be a pleasing aroma and Honour GOD daily with my now life to show my appreciation for all HE is, has done and who HE is. #YOURPraiseWillEverBeOnMyLips.

I give this testimony because l truly believe it is my duty to let others know how Powerful, Merciful, Mighty, Faithful and Loving GOD really and truly is. And if my testimony can snatch one from the path to fire l was headed towards, even better🎉💃🏽🥳 ALL GLORY TO GOD💃🏽💃🏽🙌🏼🙌🏼. Anyone who is going down the road l was on turn back and turn to GOD Now! Give your life to JESUS CHRIST today. Granted your life doesn’t turn into a bed of roses overnight, there will still be thorns to contend with however the sweet scent of HIS Rosey Grace makes it worthwhile.

P.S some people might judge me on this past however, All l care about is that GOD has forgiven me. Micah 7:18 Who is a GOD like YOU,Pardoning iniquity And passing over the transgression of The Remnant of HIS Heritage? HE does not retain HIS anger forever, Because HE delights in mercy. 19) HE will again have compassion on us, And will subdue our iniquities. YOU will cast all our sins Into the depths of the sea.

And they overcame him (the evil one) by THE BLOOD of THE LAMB and by the Word of their Testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. Revelation 12:11

Therefore, if anyone is in CHRIST, they are a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, All things have become New. 2 Corinthians 5:17

ONE LORD, one Faith, one Baptism; ONE GOD and FATHER of All, who is above All, and through All, and in you All. Ephesians 5-6
#JESUSfollower #Baptism #Anniversary

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