Yes, You DO Need Paperwork December 5, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

4 years ago

Get started filling out and recording the paperwork to be an American State National or American State Citizen based on Anna’s article #928 at

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Yes, You DO Need Paperwork December 5, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

Why? Can't everyone see that I am American? I was born here, grew up here, went to school here, got married here, raised my family here, worked here all my life, hell, I'm fixing to die here! What's all this nonsense about me having to prove that I'm an American? If I am not an American, what do you THINK I am?

Well, folks, that's just it. You let others think whatever they wanted to THINK about you. And they "presumed upon you" however they liked. It suited their sense of humor and their pocketbooks to "presume" that you were a "taxpayer" and that you were a foreigner in this country. So they did.

They "put you down" as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen and they "registered" your birth event. Then, a bit later, they identified you as a CORPORATION being run under your own NAME, subject to the laws of the Municipality of Washington, DC, and owned as a franchise of a huge Municipal Corporation doing business as the US, INC.

Then, after they "presumed" upon you, they "imposed" upon you, and "presumed" some more. They "presumed" that you were a "TAXPAYER" and also "presumed" that you were a foreigner unable to own your own land in this country and could only "hold a title" to land, oh, and then, they "presumed" that you owed war reparations and that you had to pay a mortgage off for them, and they also "presumed" that you were a slave subject to Municipal "law" and Territorial "statute" ---- both.

And to collect on all these debts that they "presumed" that you owed to them, they hired scads of revenue officers ---- traffic cops, regulators, internal revenue agents, and agency personnel --- to track you like an animal and force you to pay up and confiscate your homes and businesses if you objected.

They subjected you to their laws, not yours.

They evaded the Constitutional Guarantees they owed you from Day One of your existence.

They have robbed you, abused you, and trampled on you for your entire life and it is all because your Mother unknowingly allowed them to "presume" that you were a U.S. Citizen.

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