James Lyons-Weiler — Pathogenic Priming Coronavirus Vaccine Safety Warning

3 years ago

James Lyons-Weiler — Pathogenic Priming Coronavirus Vaccine Safety Warning

“There is a condition known as disease enhancement due to pathogenic priming, and this was discovered in vaccinated animals and past vaccine safety studies when they did conduct vaccine safety studies on animals on coronavirus vaccines”

– DR. JAMES LYONS-WEILER (Research Scientist, President & CEO of IPAK)

Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, in this excerpt from the Pennsylvania Medical Freedom Conference on October 22, 2020, shares his concerns about the forthcoming coronavirus vaccines – the skipping of trial phases, and how he finds the entire vaccination system “backward” and corrupt.

Dr. James Lyons-Weiler is the president and CEO of The Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge and a research scientist with a PhD in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation in Biology, and a postdoctoral in Computational Molecular Biology from Penn State University.

READ MORE: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHJxQ3VuN19ERHFGWkdLVXFMME5ZR2pPajRZd3xBQ3Jtc0tta0p6LW4xQ2V6Y0p2TUZPeXd1MFpHdjloY1VrZ211WHJYV01EWlVBdFE0TGcwRXRQMXVMTzZaeC1PektPUHQzcE9qNW84Z2VBQkthckdvU0U1THA1aVZsY184Vm01SmZiQkpJZ0dpUjZwOUJfeUFaWQ%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fdryburgh.com%2Fjames-lyons-weiler-coronavirus-vaccine-safety-warning&event=video_description&v=nUn1gZH8M78

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