CCP Police vs British Diplomat: It's a Matter of Death and Life 中共警察與英國大使:死與生的區別

4 years ago

On the left, the #CCP's police were not in a hurry when seeing a 17-year-old girl committing suicide. As a result, the girl died. This happened on Dec 4, 2020, #Wangjiang County, Anhui Province, #China.
On the right, Stephen Ellison, British diplomat, Consul General in Chongqing City, China saved a 2 -year-old woman.On Nov. 14, 2020
右邊畫面顯示,61歲的英國駐重慶大使史雲森(Stephen Ellison)迅速跳入水中救上一名落水女子。此事發生在2020年11月14日,中國重慶,史雲森正式上任之前。
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