Natural remedy for hormone regulation_stimulation of the uterus & ovaries & relief of menstrual pain

4 years ago

● The benefits of sage for the uterus:

■ It reduces the abundance of blood circulation at times of menstruation by constricting blood vessels.
■ Regulate the menstrual cycle of young girls of puberty.
■ Reducing mood disturbances during menstruation, and draining excess water inside the body.
■ Cleans the uterus and protects it from infections and diseases.
■ Stimulates the uterus and ovaries.
■ Regulating and controlling the menstrual hormone.
■ Exhaust gases.
■ Generating low estrogen to produce breast milk.
■ Protect against some types of bacteria.
Relieves sweat and hot flashes in menopausal women.
■ It is useful against vomiting, diarrhea and bleeding in women and gonorrhea.
■ Eliminate uterine infections.

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