How Much More Evidence Do They Need of Election Fraud? | #StopTheSteal

4 years ago

It's amazing that the Democrats can get investigations going on for years without a single shred of evidence to support their accusation and the Republicans can have massive amounts of evidence of crimes committed by the left yet can't get an investigation started.

You can always count on Mit Romney to attack Republicans. Massive RINO

The left is speculating that President Trump will pardon his family and himself before leaving office. While they push this theory they claim that doing so is evidence of being guilty of a crime. This is not so. No prior President has ever faced an opposition party so corrupt as to use the powers of Government to target and push political rivals for no other reason than having successfully gotten elected to office. We have seen how they targeted Gen. Flynn. No evidence of a crime, no witness to a crime, yet they targeted him with malicious prosecution and threatened his family to coerce a confession like we were living in some third world dictatorship.

The left has made it clear that their plan once President Trump leaves office is to publish him for having been elected over their preferred candidate. They will continue until Trump is broke or in prison. They don't care there is no crime with which to target Trump, as the Gen. Flynn case has proven there are enough corrupt judges that have no concern for the law and would allow the Democrat free reign to be as tyrannical as they want to be.

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