L2R 32 "Rigged For You To Lose"

3 years ago

Episode 32 of The Left 2 Right Free Speech Music & Comedy Show

What up clowns haters and trolls!?

The steal is on, Democrats are already perpetrating their next hoax and implementing their next insurance policy, while evidence of: (fraud, voter fraud, election fraud) mounts to undeniable levels and as legacy media fights to feign ignorance in effort to keep people under their multinational gangster propaganda spell. Meanwhile pernicious Republican traitors sell out to: open borders, endless war, and big tech. People will reveal themselves when they think nobody is paying attention and the fickle nature of a politician should come as no surprise. Hawley and Rubio come immediately to mind. As dark as things may appear I still see light at the end of the tunnel, we must keep moving.

An edgy anti-PC comedic masterpiece. The all American antidote to corporate square propaganda. Unafraid of the virtue signaling monster outrage mob of leftist losers on Twitter devastating American communities with: mind viruses, censorship, & unfounded accusations of racism. Lots of hard in the paint. Lots of not backing down & work arounds to pwn bitches who frankly deserve it. Beyond that your guess is as good as mine. I remember it was fucking awesome. I'll have my popcorn fready right there with ya!

Legal disclaimer: anything that sounds like a call to violence is actually satire. Chill out, I'm all about nonviolence. If anyone watching does something insane that's on them, I won't be held responsible by a vague cancel mob of Orweliian sociopaths and lolyers.

Enjoy the Show all you Bitches & Bozos! If you're easily offended and get quickly butthurt into taking malicious action against some poor clown I advise you to stop watching now and maybe try the View or some other uninspired self congratulatory imperceptive corporate trash program! Cheers America! 🇺🇸

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