Ken Starr – Election Deadlines Can Be Extended, 3380

3 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.
President Trump vowed to continue to expose voter fraud yesterday, saying the nation’s elections are under a coordinated assault by America’s enemies.
Trump explained that he will continue to fight down to the last legal alternative.
“We’re going to defend the honesty of the vote by ensuring that every legal ballot is counted, and that no illegal ballot is counted. The constitutional process must be allowed to continue.”
In order to do that, the President said:
“…a full forensic audit is required to ensure that only legal ballots from lawfully registered voters that were properly cast are included. The reason for this is clear, they were not verifying signatures because they know the ballots have not been filled out by the voters in whose names they were cast.”
Then, President Trump had this to say just hour s ago.
This is the problem with reporting like this. Hemmer is either deliberately failing to mention why the court told Team Trump to go away and come again another day; or he failed to read one additional paragraph on this story.
The Wisconsin judge was not criticizing the quality of Team Trump’s evidence; he just said you can’t come here first. You have to go before the next lower court down, and if you are rejected there, then we will hear the case. So, Hemmer’s comment produced the impression of a defeat, when it was not.
Then Mr. Hemmer brought on former Special Council Ken Starr who had some very interesting observations about what needs to be done to fix this voting system which has been deliberately manipulated to allow maximum election fraud.
[insert to: “… as best we can.”]
I am totally unsure that those new safeguards will be in place, and I doubt they will be until a few key Democrat operatives are behind bars as examples to put the fear of God into a few people. But without a real FBI, what hope do we have for that?
[insert from “Mail-in ballots… to: “… outright fraud.”}
Then Hemmer asked Judge Starr what he thought about the upcoming Senate runoff election coming on January 6.
[insert: “It should be…. To: “… ]
And the leading leftist activist in Georgia, Stacey Abrams, is bragging that she already has 800,000 mail-in ballots coming in, and you can bet they are 100% Democrat.
Without proper ID attached to these ballots, they are nothing more than worthless pieces of the fraud paper we saw in the Nov. 3rd election.
Will a judge save us and rule that none of these ballots can be counted? Not likely, but not impossible either.

Here are three polls on that Senate race. It shows the Democrat, Warnock, beating Loeffler; but in the other race, the Republican, Purdue beating the Democrat, Ossoff by less than one percentage point.
If we apply the same skews as during the Nov. 3rd race, you can add 4 points to the Republicans and subtract 4 points from the Democrats and that will be much closer to reality.
However, this election is the last gasp for fake voting machines, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they go all out – that is, take every risk imaginable – to secure victory.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.

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