A Brief, Brutal Review November 28, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

4 years ago

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A Brief, Brutal Review November 28, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

Bretton Woods died in 1971 with the advent of the Petro Dollar. Oddly, many Americans haven't noticed that this was a watershed event, much less tracked the results of Tricky Dick Nixon's multitudinous "contributions" to our present situation.

The concept that other goods could be used as the "money standard" --- in this case, barrels of oil --- toppled gold and silver from their pedestal, and opened up an era of wealth for the Middle East that the Middle East reinvested in gold, silver, land, and business opportunities all over the world.

This means that we are now dealing with a disproportionate number of heavy-hitting Arab and Muslim investment interests counterbalancing would-be Chinese investment interests that have hitched their wagon to the gold standard.

This is a situation so far removed from the typical American egocentric viewpoint of the world as to be ironic. The Middle East and China are the power players in this drama, despite the USD being the reserve currency.

Naturally, "the US" having made its bed back in the 1970's, sides with the Arabs and the oil industry. Just as naturally, China resists because China has virtually no natural oil reserves and is in constant crisis and under pressure to meet its own energy needs.

And all of this drama centers around what commodities are to be used as the "money standard" --- oil or gold? Or something else entirely?

Get a clue, folks, the New Green Deal isn't about the environment. It's about making oil and all other sources of hydrocarbon energy more expensive. And using the destructive power of taxation to artificially make it so.

Higher oil prices, even artificially bumped up oil prices, bulk up the coffers and empower western corporate governments and their Middle Eastern business partners. This creates a "strong dollar" even if it promotes a weak economy.

You may not have noticed that the New York Stock Exchange is no longer in New York. It has moved to Tel Aviv. No joke. The tickers stopped ticking three years ago. The financial district is missing the Stock Exchange and the Federal Reserve, both. This observation should give Americans cause to pause.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2020/11/a-brief-brutal-review.html

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