Cyberbullying & my novel

4 years ago

This description is a generalized summary of the video on #Cyberbullying and how my novel came to existence.
I've finally come out hiding after 15 years of cyberbullying.
#EleanorRoosevelt - "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."
Now, my video-story reveals how I ended up in this place.
Just recently, I won this lawsuit against Google to have this defamatory webpage about me (which was in my old name) removed.
Lastly, I insist my viewers NOT to cyberbully back the bullies on my behalf. It’s bad energy.

How this shit-storm began... this deaf guy - Chad Nystrom - well, his childhood best friend was Justin Barnett, he passed away from being fatally struck by this train in Kansas and Justin's teacher was my husband's brother.

Why I never made a vlog - Why? I’ve endured pure hatred from this Deaf Lesbian and their friends because of Justin Barnett. His teacher's brother is my husband. Not my blood. I never met Justin.

Chad stopped me and reassured me that he has NO hatred and no qualms against me just because I used to carry the same last name or “associated” with the Kurz family. I explained to Chad that I NEVER met Justin Barnett and yet I get a lot of hate. No matter what. Chad insists he will support me and defend me. He also said he’s sad and sorry that I had to go through that and that I should never have gone through that. Wow. Nice.

But at that time in the novel #DeafBeneath, the Deaf Lesbian didn’t know my husband was related to the teacher whose student died - at the near end of the novel when Interp Kallie was reported to the principal, that’s when it got bad.

Deaf Lesbian - my former college classmate in 1990 - came up to me, “Your name isn’t Amy Gregg anymore? I was told you have a different last name?” (someone must've gossiped about me, *sigh*)

“Yes, why?” (The air went dead)

“You know that deaf teacher from Kansas School for the deaf whose student was fatally struck by train?” She asked.

“Yes, he’s my hubby’s brother. Anyway, what’s with the question?” I answered.

“He’s my cousin. Bitch. I’m going to destroy you.”

So instead of using me to destroy Kallie and other teachers, she baited Kallie and then Kallie baited her best friend (a hearing woman!) whom I’ve never met to bully me LOL!!

*shrugs* Some people...

Anyway, this HAPPENED while I was a teacher aide at this public school where Ricky -"#Ridor9th" Taylor, and this Deaf man, Deaf Lesbian woman (all deaf) WANTED me to report inappropriate conduct to them and to report abuse that was going on at this public K-5 school and or try to have the interpreters fired.

BUT, there was NO abuse going on... this sign language interpreter (Kallie) had been called to the principal's office numerous times, and the only thing the principal did was change their positions (sweeping the problem under the rug).

Anyway, they took it out on me because they claimed I did not do enough (well, I needed my paychecks)... and because Chris Kurz was my brother-in-law - the one that had her cousin killed, according to her words.

I screen-capped all of the libelous posts about me on the cyberbullies' social media sites - now that I've come out of hiding, and am prepared to sue again should another shit-storm happen again.

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