why does this now come out: Obama himself about Kenya

4 years ago

there were the 'birthers'
there was real proof that the published birth certificate was put together using something similar to Photoshop (I do graphics!)
It was brushed away 'that's how they come', well, wait a sec, what year was he born before any PC or even mainframe imaging (when was jpg and pdf invented? right, Edison did it, dumb me!)

So here he is, after the confession of a deeply believing Muslim (their belief is they can lie to non believers, it's not a sin or anything like that, anything goes towards non believers),
here is his repeated admission he was born in Kenya,
and then contrast the evasive responses when confronted (and the face says 'I am right now lying to you, and you are eating it whole hook line and sinker <smirk>'

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