H Pylori Infection Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

4 years ago

H pylori infection - signs and symptoms of H pylori

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In this video, Dr. Justin Marchegiani discussed the different signs and symptoms of H. Pylori infection. This is one of the most common infections that Americans have. In fact, approximately 50% of Americans have H. Pylori and most of them are not even aware that they have it.

Do you have the most common gut infection in the United States? It could be causing symptoms that you aren't even aware of like brain fog, migraines, weight gain, female hormone symptoms and low thyroid symptoms. This condition is often overlooked because most H. Pylori symptoms are not intestinal based. You may not be suffering from diarrhea, indigestion, bloating, etc. but there is a high chance that you already have it. Dr. Justin will talk help your break down the signs and symptoms of h pylori infections. Watch the video for more information.

References: http://justinhealth.com/what-causes-h-pylori-infection/

Lab Testing for H Pylori: http://justinhealth.com/shop/418-h-pylori-test/

Gluten Video Series: http://www.justinhealth.com/gluten-video-series

Thyroid Hormone Balance Video Series: http://www.justinhealth.com/thyroid-hormone-balance

Female Hormone Balance Video Series: http://www.justinhealth.com/female-hormone-balance
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