(Skyrim SE) Dawn of the Necro-sassin

4 years ago

Chapter 1: Dawn of the Necro-sassin
The Necro-sassin infiltrates Fort Greymoor.

What is a necro-sassin? A necro-sassin is a necromancer/assassin hybrid. A necro-sassin is first and foremost an assassin. But in addition to utilizing daggers, bows, poisons and traps, also reanimates victims. The zombie then engages other nearby targets, while the necro-sassin remains in the shadows, operating as an unholy puppet master.

Some of the mods used in this video include:
Ordinator by Enai Siaion
Thief Skills Rebalanced for Ordinator by Enai Siaion
Realistic AI Detection by Olivier Doorenbos
Enhanced Lighting for ENB by -JawZ-
Relighting Skyrim by -JawZ- and NovakDalton
Re-engaged ENB by firemanAF
Drow Armor Set by newermind43
Tembtra Thief Armor by DeserterX and Mitosuke
Torch Arrows by Tartaross and Joolander
Predator Vision by Gopher
Improved Traps by kryptopyr and Wiseman303
Immersive HUD by Gopher

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