Boundaries and Responsibility | Lauren Rainey Tenney

4 years ago

Spencer has always said to me, “There is no reconciliation without accountability.”

Taking responsibility for what you are bringing to the table is one of the biggest pieces of the puzzle if you want to experience true peace and joy. Phew. More often than not, this is hard for us to acknowledge, but y’all, it is so crucial to continuing your boundaries journey.

Whether it’s resentment in your career because you didn’t get that promotion, or a lack of communication within your family, these things poison our energy and take away our ability to love others well and experience true joy. Taking responsibility for our resentment and in return communicating our wants, needs, and desires allows things to change.

Dig deep, acknowledge, hold yourself accountable, change the course - this can set you free. Trust me, I’ve been there.

I’m only a message away. 💛

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