Exposed: U.S. Left-Wing Media Exploits Rabbi Attacked in Vienna

3 years ago

An antisemitic attack on an Austrian Rabbi was carried out in Vienna on Thursday. A woman threatened the man with a knife, tore his kippah off his head, kicked him and shouted anti-Jewish slogans such as “Slaughter all Jews”. Passers-by reportedly looked the other way instead of helping the Rabbi.

The U.S. left-wing media has focused a lot of their attention on this antisemitic attack in Europe while ignoring most of the harassment and violent attacks against America’s Jewish population. Did the media choose to highlight this specific incident because they actually care about antisemitism or because it took place in Austria under conservative leader Chancellor Sebastian Kurz? Meanwhile, the media selectively chooses to ignore the tens of thousands of Jews who have been forced to flee left-wing led France and Germany as direct response to their mass-illegal migration policies. Continue reading:

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