4 years ago

We as restoration Patriots, who insist upon restoring the U.S. Constitution to its rule, as the law of the land, must take action upon them first and be ready for effective offensive actions and the defensive reprisals.

Let us all remember that Donald Trump never said he would not accept defeat. He said if he is defeated and the results are clear and true, he would certainly step down. Yet, with the mail-ballots, hundreds of thousands of which have been discarded and thrown away and many that were printed without Donald J. Trump’s name printed on them, of course he must question any results that are not clear and determinative, just as the Democrat-Socialist will do, as well.

In fact, it is the Democrat-Socialists who spent the last four years crying and wailing and moaning that the Trump election to the presidency was not legitimate, and that it was Hillary who really won. In fact, it was Hillary who told Joe Biden that he should not concede, under any circumstances. Do her words not mean that the Democrat-Socialists are ready to do exactly the same thing they are accusing President Donald J. Trump of?

Hillary Clinton went on to say, “because I think this is going to drag out and eventually, I do believe he (Biden) will win, if we don't give an inch, and if we are as focused and Relentless as the other side is.” They have a couple of scenarios that they're looking for.

There is no effective way of working together with the Democrat-Socialists, who want power, even at the expense the nation itself. The radical left knows that, if President Trump is given four more years, it will spell the end of their Socialist agenda. President Trump has already revolutionized the courts. They are wholly determined to never allow a second Trump Administration.

There comes a moment that traverses the line of demarcation, when those, whom we counted as comrades, have become enemy combatants. The fact is that we cannot no longer, with confidence, perceive who are patriots, to whom we shall entrust our posterity or who we must never assign our national destiny, who would betray their sacred national trust.

This lack of assurance that we are dealing with patriotic Americans makes it is indisputable and behooves those of us, who believe that we must protect our heritage of freedom, with our last full ounce of devotion, to be equipped, and established to use our 2nd Amendment rights as a well-regulated militia of ‘We the People’.

For our duty, as restoration patriots, is to use our well-regulated people’s militia to ensure the security and tranquility of a free state. Whether the need of engagement, thereof, is needed, or not, is not the singular goal. It is the duty and readiness of patriots to do so, regardless of victory or defeat, if needs be, that must be our highest duty.

There are millions like you and me ready to give life and limb to know that our children and their children will have the land the American people chose, when we ratified the U.S. Constitution. If the US Republic is that land worth living and working and striving for, it is of necessity, and even to a greater degree, worth dying for.

It is palpable that the nation is in so much danger, from the domestic terrorists, known as Democrat-Socialists, and their modern-day equivalents of Hitler’s Brown–shirts, that all patriots need to begin to plan and equip for engagement, in this perilous but essential refreshing of the tree of liberty, that Jefferson stated, is required, from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants to maintain a free republic. That time has come, my American patriotic brothers and sisters.

Dr. Steven Clark Bradley PhD

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