Eat! Drink! Smoke! Episode 109: Mother Malloy's Holiday Hooch and The My Father CT Robusto Cigar

4 years ago

Kahlua and vanilla ice cream in a punch bowl. Not just any drink, but favorite holiday drink of co-host Fingers Malloy's mother - affectionately named, "Mother Malloy's Holiday Hooch!" And, yes, it's a good as you think.

Tony Katz hosts Eat! Drink! Smoke! Taste the greatness of the Hooch, paired with the My Father CT robusto cigar, and you have the perfect holiday and post-holiday enjoyments!

Fingers Malloy has the News of the Week, including soaring sales for cigars across the nation. The CDC wants you to avoid cruise ships (Fingers is way ahead of you on that one!) and did non-alcoholic beer ever take off in America?

Dating in the world of coronavirus is very strange, and is yielding some very interesting data. Plus, the guy who wrestled an alligator to save his puppy without ever dropping his cigar? He's our hero.

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