Toronto Protest: “Viva, Viva Intifada, Free Palestine”

3 years ago

On Sunday, November 29, 2020 the “Solidarity with Palestine Car Caravan” was held in downtown Toronto.

The event was hosted by Toronto BDS Network, Independent Jewish Voices Canada, Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) and Actions4Palestine and endorsed by Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights - SPHR Queen's and Campuses for Palestine – C4P.

Among the participants were Nazih Khatatba, Sabrina Fuqhaa, Stephen Ellis, Moe Alqasem, Firas Al Najim and activists with the Socialist Action.

Here is the organizers' event statement:

In Defence of Our Right to Free Speech: Solidarity with Palestine Car Caravan
Cruise with us on Sunday, November 29 from the safety of your vehicles to express your solidarity with Palestine at a time of increased attacks on our right to free speech.
On the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people, our car caravan will follow an organized route beginning at Queens Park (see map in the discussion tab) at 1 PM. Decorate your vehicles with Palestinian flags and banners to show your support!

The instruction page issued by the organizers read: “Please do not lead any chants - only follow the chants of the lead car.”

The participants held signs that read “No IHRA” and “Free Palestine” chanting:

Viva, Viva Intifada
No justice no peace
Free free Palestine, occupation is a crime
1, 2, 3, 4, occupation no more
Viva Viva Palestina

For more information

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