FROSTY THE SNOWMAN (got the ‘rona) - (parody)

4 years ago

It’s that magical time of year again! The Unframe of Mind Christmas Parody song! Please enjoy “Frosty the Snowman (got the ‘rona)!” (Audio and Lyric video versions available)
FROSTY THE SNOWMAN (got the ‘rona)
Frosty the Snowman was a clearly healthy guy
With a fast food butt and a beer-filled gut
And two wide and chunky thighs

Frosty the Snowman got the Rona, so they say
He was fat and slow, but he'll never know
how it changed our lives that day

There must have been some COVID in that Chinese bat he found
For when he ate it, to our dread 
It began to spread around

Oh! Frosty the snowman was a selfish human being
With an unmasked face he would cough and spray
And refuse to stay six feet

Coughetty cough cough
Coughetty cough cough
Where’d the TP go? 
Coughetty cough cough
Coughetty cough cough
All of the symptoms show

Frosty the snowman knew the schools were closed that day
So he said "No jokes! It's a fake news hoax
Conjured up by the CDC." 

Down to a village with a mask mandate in play,
And he screamed, "yeah right! Violate my rights, 
And my lawyer will make you pay.”

They shut down all the streets of town. Made all the business stop.
And only opened up again cuz the Stimulus had flopped

Frosty the snowman, he was forced in quarantine 
And he said, “don’t cry, cuz I’m gonna try

Coughetty cough cough
Coughetty cough cough
Look at Frosty go
Coughetty cough cough
Coughetty cough cough
Where'd all the TP go?

Lyrics: Daniel WagnerVocals: Daniel Wagner and Anthony Trawick

Audio download link and lyrics:

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