Dollar Tree BIG Carp Bait!!!

4 years ago

I caught a MONSTER Carp in a little creek using homemade Carp bait!

It did take me a few days to find the Carp. After getting the ingredients from the Dollar Tree and mixing them up I started fishing in a local pond. The pond was quite busy with kayaks and boats so I moved to another spot on day 2 that skunked me. On day 3 I went back to the pond I first tried and fished the creek side of it. That is when I caught an absolute giant Carp! Special thanks goes out to Luke who runs the Catfish and Carp YouTube channel! His various Carp baits were the inspiration for this video.

Dollar Tree Ingredients:

Plastic bowl
Strawberry Crush, singles to go
Honey Flavored Syrup
Whole Kernel Corn
Orange Crush Soda
Quick Oats

Don't forget to 👍 the video and share it with friends! Thank you for watching!

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