The Lie Told in the Garden

3 years ago


What was the lie that Satan told Adam and Eve in the garden? It was a two-fold lie. 1) That man could become like God and be his own arbitrator of what was good and what was evil. 2) That man would bear an image. If not God's image, then Satan's image.

Death reigned as man determined for himself what was good and evil.

In Luke 12:50, Jesus talks about something constraining Him until He could go to the Cross. That constraint was death.

Jesus' death was the anguish of His soul, but in His agony, He forever did away with the death that had consumed the first creation.

Now, as Christians, we need to stop allowing our Ishmaels to live before Him. We must leave behind an old way of thinking that we can determine good and evil in the things of God and be baptized in His death so His light, life, and glory can shine through us and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

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