SHUNNED | Escalating Attack on Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates | RegWatch

4 years ago

Submit and give up. This is the demand made by tobacco control officials in their effort to destroy vaping as a viable alternative to smoking. While vapers have been the target of this type of harassment for many years, tobacco harm reduction researchers are increasingly coming under fire.

In this episode of RegWatch meet Dr. Marewa Glover, Director at the Centre of Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking, New Zealand. Learn why Dr. Glover believes a tightly networked cabal of tobacco control officials are blacklisting and bullying THR researchers; deploying propaganda and other tactics of coercion, in order to frustrate smokers switching to less harmful sources of nicotine.

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Released: November 29, 2020

Produced by Brent Stafford

This episode is supported by DVINE LABS

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