Grieving Our 2020 Lockdown-Related Losses

4 years ago

Whatever else we may believe or not believe and experience or not experience related to covid, ALL of us have lost something precious in 2020 because of the lockdowns. We’ve lost freedoms, we’ve lost friends, we’ve lost opportunities, and so much more. These losses have been unique for each person, but we’ve all had them.
In this and a few videos to follow, I’m presenting some thoughts around what we’ve lost and how we might approach these losses through a conscious grieving process.
My approach is largely based on the Grief Recovery Handbook, first published in 2009 by John James and Russell Friedman. This video presents the idea that part of what we’ve been going through with the lockdowns could and should be thought of as life material that we could and should grieve in an active recovery process. This kind of recovery is the movement back to emotional balance.
I’m not an expert in this method but I have used it myself a number of times. There are certified facilitators and I’d recommend you consider finding one near you if you do feel a need to grieve the losses you’ve faced in 2020, as we all have.
Grieving is not about stages. It’s about acknowledging, understanding and ultimately coming to decisions about the narratives we are holding about the person, thing, state, or situation we no longer have or no longer have in the same way.
Please feel free to reach out if you have a story or situation you’d like to share. Thanks

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