Rapture PROOF You've NEVER Heard! | Dr. Ken Johnson | TSR 257

4 years ago

Can we know when the rapture will take place? Is it a pretribulation rapture, pre-wrath, mid-trib, post-trib, no trib, pan trib, or something else entirely? As Dr. Ken Johnson reveals, the truth is, in fact, far simpler than many have made it out to be. The Dead Sea Scrolls, ancient Church Fathers, eschatology bible study, and biblical history has a lot to say about the rapture of the Church. Finally, we can be sure of one of these positions and take rest in our soon coming blessed hope! What you're seeing on YouTube is only about half of the discussion (go to http://www.dailyrenegade.com for the rest); here are all the topics covered:

00:00 - Introduction
00:37 - What Ken Believes
04:40 - How the Rapture and Apostasy Connect
11:01 - The Restrainer Explains Why Magic Doesn’t Work Around Christians
16:45 - The Return of Magic in the Tribulation
21:21 - Daniel 12: Rapture, Resurrection, or Both?
24:39 - Identity of the Two Witnesses
28:42 - 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 Rapture Timeline Explanation
32:50 - Proof the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Belief is Ancient, Not Created by Darby in the 1800s
45:31 - Dispensationalism and Pre-Trib Rapture Before Christ in Dead Sea Scrolls
52:19 - Why a Belief in a Pre Trib Rapture & Premillennialism Faded Away Centuries Ago
59:12 - How Seriously to Take the Pre Tribulation Rapture
1:06:46 - Where to Find Ken Online and Buy His Books
1:09:53 - Break for Members Only
1:12:24 - Ken’s Opinion of “Before the Wrath” Pre Trib Rapture Documentary
1:20:17 - Rapture in Old Testament & Not Knowing Day or Hour: Rapture or Second Coming?
1:27:49 - Time Interval Between Rapture of Living and Dead
1:30:12 - Messianic Jewish Acceptance of the Pretribulation Rapture
1:31:34 - What is Coming Next on the Prophetic Timeline
1:35:38 - Ken Disagrees with Derek Gilbert on Some Revelation Seals Already Broken
1:38:43 - Dr. Ken Johnson Doesn’t Want to Kill Derek Gilbert
1:39:14 - What the Revelation Scroll with Seven Seals Represents
1:41:54 - Ken’s Final Thoughts
1:43:50 - Where to Find Ken Online and Buy His Books
1:46:59 - Conclusion


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