This is absolutely UNNACEPTABLE! #Plandemic agenda

4 years ago

This is absolutely insane! This happened in Spain. The woman went to the clinic for a psychological appointment for her mom, and the doctors at the clinic called the police, apparently because she was not accomplishing the #covid19 health measures. This is not acceptable! Treating people like insects! This confirms that this plandemic is not conspiracy theory, but a reality.

Ā”Esto es una atrocidad y atropello al ser humano! Esto ocurriĆ³ en EspaƱa. La mujer iba a llevar a su madre a una cita psicolĆ³gica a una clĆ­nica, y supuestamente los mĆ©dicos de la clĆ­nica llamaron a la policĆ­a porque ella habĆ­a incumplido con los protocolos de seguridad. Ā”Esto es inaceptable! Ā”Tratando a las personas peor que a los insectos! Esto muestra que la plandemia del covid-19 no es conspiraciĆ³n, sino una realidad.

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