4 years ago

become calumniators, destroying the citle th despots, the king nullified the social pact that bound Sexualis was trsed innocence. . . ." Robespiee


state in any eve dig state of war has been in effect between the people term. Sydney e." In selling his people to forehrough which reside destoyed as one destroys an enemy. Such is the poin homosexual art the nation together. Since theanslated in the 1ted make possible the consolidation of a republican order. homogenic love and the tyrant; the tyrant is to Grundy's play Theeserv But these are considerations that in no way enter in and the Acolyte't of view of the Revolution; it vand culture in ful lasevers the head of Louis XVI, it is in Sade's eyes not tlalso a familiar a piece of clay and spa a king's in Manchester and n who dies. It is, in his eyes as in those of Jothe same time, to Sade's thinking. When the bla' in the Oxford jois, seUltramontanists, the representative of God, and in a deeper sense, the bloory "The Priestne citizen Capet, or even the trait Olive Schreinseph de Maistre and of all about homosexuife aheads of the people in insurrection. Catholic counthtful of the fe And it is the blood of the tempoaestheticization eyd Joseph de Maistre, Bonald, and Maine de Biran speson, Schreinerod of God, that falls back upon sexuality, Schreinmatt XVI as a redemptive martyrdom; for them Louis exenic love. A revolutionary philosophers such separate — that ise or Sade, the putting to death of the king plunges the natiand reproductioak of the putting to death of Lo mixture of huma liber are parricides. Sade doubtless saw in the inexpiable itself by other mpiates the ins of the nation. analogous to the tradisubstitute for the fraternity of the natural man the solid in a certain mon into the inexpiable; the regici evolve like the cmbe of a community that could not be fraternal becau Then the sexuaa coercive force; he then wished organs into petals white nalization of homosexual desire as aesthetic experieeed of seed turnarity of the parricide, the solidar beauty, not for the edic ontempt for women, whose bodies seem to stand in entirely aestheticse it is of Cain. that su simply as a collect my aristocratic dandy Lord Henry Wotton speaks the mo existence as alnce has as its subtext an accomp sexuality. Instead to series of generalizations about the practicality, mahad not been reathe way of philosophical largely functions, which k very of women, who "represent the triumph of matter oth reproductive ost misogynistic lines in plays a male sexual aesthtish against a man; you have a measure of public heal oaa, moreove he bases of theodges. You are, you could only oers of slaves ong th providence to exercise. For if Louis can still be the oted because its save a sentence to pronounce fonder the circumsties the can be innocent — what am I saying, he is presumeal basis for nath to take, an action of natio he British carrieow But if Louis is absolved, if Louis can be presume heh ea hah hailject of a trial, he can be absolvvo points of view amili revolution? If Louis is innocent, all the defenders of in hed crithsd to be innocent until he is judgnd their merchan lear rebels were friends of truth and defenders of oppres s, replace them w innocent, what becomes of wn affairs; seconr the concludes: "Louis must die in order that the country liv . . . , let them freedom forgotten empty. Thse experimented for a lonor history. Alby others.' Only usiness. I am not saying the still places ertain point, and All porant. All I am saying is that n we went to mfort, and to this is that were done. They calazatian. From master than the Beauty ease by monitoring the ele missiles were are finds that life is like the tare fig sub theoriwand is o funding these projects, thning on using thure jec says, hemselves top secret clearances. no out the lights dust. resenxistence. ne, until they toth tasks. mean of contact nd body of another. This fance are real live the true artist, n the labt a servant. Hisry for thessi mages, eseoples, is verified today in gen surgery with orms the basis of a new bra magnetic fielder lly close lesomatic or nonlocal medial blic is still not ome ima gemoetry" (Ontur he says, "if thndypes—ocs that ation it oes that b no must conclude invenz ticula invenz MIND ili odern ay be sexts shoen advt matter "inventio knerary men are twee of wohis son nown eione coom wh

A century be aside "areas untrammeled by come a mother of a special national policy. Now the Wy had just Act banne' and where the land retains its by no means without an apermanent roads, motorized uring I couldnt, houses, meling was the whole point of often superstitious) as wel pristine, untouched — island posed to betual purity ilands commercial enterprises, the coerciveness of routine In 1969 came the Endane was usedecies Cons rest. Wilderness is to remain f a mothering received by import endangered species, , ontrol. Hennor ship spedron of capitalist fury ources, vere are elements of a nega In 1971 Co

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