Strong Glutes & Hamstrings Tabata Interval Workout

4 years ago

Burn baby burn! If it dun't burn at the end of this track, pick a heavier weight and do it AGAIN...OR...add a hop to that knee-up.

Single leg squats are a great training exercise to focus on glutes and hammies practicing EXCELLENT form on every repetition.

What's excellent form?

1) Knee stays behind the toe.
On your bent, front leg, the knee is extending forward of the toe is an indication that you're putting strain and pressure on the knee joint...which is no bueno. The placement of knee behind the toe is a visual cue that you are avoiding strain in the knee and forcing those big muscles (glues & hamstrings) on the back of your leg to work.

2) Shoulders relaxed.
Tension in your neck or shoulders will not help one bit. So be sure they stay relaxed and released "down the back" so to speak. Keep the tension where tension belongs during this exercise - the working leg, first, supported by engaged abdominal muscles.

3) Bellybutton in.
I say something to that effect seemingly constantly while leading fitness classes because if the belly flops out, so goes the overall form and integrity of your exercise. Tbh, it's really tough to stay mindful of the abs and those smaller stability muscles during a workout, especially when you get tired...which is exactly why I take the time to remind you (and myself) often. Not only does that turn early EVERY workout and EVERY exercise into abdominal and core training...but it trains us in overall mindfulness and intention.

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