Superbowl 6 - CB Radio Action on Channel 6, 25 November 2020

4 years ago

Sometimes - in CB Slang - "Mother Nature was kind."

During certain conditions, radio waves will sometimes "bounce" off the different layers of the atmosphere and land in unusual places. What does this bring? Well, it means that my little CB radio in Seattle is able to hear operators in other parts of the US - and sometimes the world!

Today I heard Tennessee, Wisconsin, Ontario, Illinois, Texas, and California on Channel 36 using lower sideband. Then later on, I switched to Channel 6 - aka "The Superbowl" - to listen in on heavy hitters who are mostly along the East Coast US and chatter on. Superbowl 6 is the closest thing we have left to the legendary days of CB in the 1970s. Their prose is like nothing you'll ever hear, and it is truly original.

Here is a three-minute excerpt from a recent Superbowl!

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