ePS - 035 - These Are Our Stories Clip

3 years ago

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Clip From Eps:

These Are Our Stories

9/11 was a day that changed the world there is no doubt about it. Laws changed, policies changed, agencies changed, Jobs changed, schools changed, the way we travel changed, and more directly people changed. Our lives were changed, some of us are old enough to remember a world before 9/11. And I'm not just talking security checks and shorter wait times. I'm talking about whenever something of note happens around us our thought is not just "what's that?" our thoughts are "is that another attack". An example, a few years ago I lived in Park Slope Brooklyn and it was just a regular night and I started to hear expositions. I immediately thought this could be another attack, it was around 9 pm and I was already at home in my PJs. I got dressed and put the news on, I was waiting to see if it was an attack and where was it, it must be close by I can hear it from my window. I got on the phone and called a friend of mines that lives in the area to find out if he knew something I didn't know. He picked up and was calm so I asked him if he heard the explosions. He told me it was fireworks in Prospect park. I laughed it off but it made me realize how much of an impact 9/11 had on my psyche. I don't know what it is but since then I've always had bag with stuff ready to go if anything like that ever happens again.

This subject has been covered so much there's not much else that can be said but we can give you accounts of people on that day. This episode is just a few conversations we had with some guests and friends about their experiences on that day. Some are serious some are us joking around but all are accounts of people that lived through it. This is history, we lived through it, these are our stories.


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We're two Puerto Ricans from New York City that just talk about whatever we want, from Politics to religion.
Almost nothing is off-limits and we have an opinion on everything. If you are looking for fact-based reporting, you are in the wrong place but if you want a heavy opinion, welcome, we want to hear yours too.

#thebasementny #September11th #NeverForget

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