Episode #27 - The Truth About the Federal Reserve - An Intro

4 years ago

I read and hear a lot about how bad the Federal Reserve is for America. The cries for “Audit the Fed” continue to grow louder. Inherently I understand that government intervention always causes market distortions but trying to explain how the Federal Reserve detrimentally impacts the economy at a level that the average person can understand has proved daunting. But I am going to give it a shot in this episode and the next one.

In this episode I am going to introduce you to the Federal Reserve – explain what it is, why and how it was created and explain how it creates money.

Episode #28 will be spent looking at the Fed's record over the 100+ years of its existence and argue why it should be abolished.
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With each shirt design there will be an explanation of what to expect from those inquisitive or brave enough to ask you about it. In most cases there are links to podcast episodes that will further deepen your understanding of the importance of each phrase.

We hope you take the challenge of wearing these shirts in public and to family gatherings. Don't worry! You will be equipped with the rhetorical tools to engage in conversation and/or debate.

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Check out the "END THE FED?" shirt inspired by this episode.


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