Hebrews Chapter 10 - The Sufficiency of Chrsit

4 years ago

This video is an expository study of Hebrews Chapter #10. Chapter #10 picks up where Chapter #9 leaves off, where the Sacrificial System was merely a shadow of the good things to come. The author explains that sacrifices do not take away sins. And because the sacrifices were merely symbolic, we know that good works do not take away sins, for the very same reasons. It is Christ’s offering, Christ’s sacrifice that takes away sin. The author literally states: “14 For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.”

The author then explains that there no longer remains any sacrifice for sin! What does he mean by that? Through another very stern warning, you are encouraged to hold fast the confidence of your hope. We are told not to shrink back into destruction! For those who seem to be losing their hope or losing their faith the author encourages them to REMEMBER!

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