ePS - 028- iCE iCE bABY

3 years ago

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ICE was created during the Bush administration in 2003 mostly in response to the 9/11 terror attack. They were given the ability to defend the nation's borders and the American people. they are part of The Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

What does Ice actually do?
They have 3 functions:

1: Immigration enforcement

2: Investigating the illegal movement of people and goods

3: preventing terrorism

The bulk of their time is spent on apprehending and deporting immigrants that are here illegally or don't have the right to live here.

During the Obama administration ICE focus mostly on deporting illegal immigrants with criminal records. Now an interesting fact to note is Obama is responsible for more deportations of immigrants in his first year than Trump. But don't take my word for it, take it from left-leaning Vox news:

"So in the 2000s, the US started deporting more immigrants than it ever had before. And for the first time, a large number of those deported were unauthorized immigrants with no criminal record, who were deported just because they were unauthorized. For the first time, in other words, simply being an immigrant without papers in the US carried a real risk of deportation.

The Trump administration has worked hard to downplay this history, but it’s worth remembering that it was under President Obama that the US reached its high-water mark for immigration enforcement. By pretty much any quantitative measure — arrests, deportations, the share of all deportees who had no criminal record — any year of Obama’s first term saw more aggressive immigration enforcement than Trump’s first year."

Why Abolish ICE?
Just like every government-run agency, they abuse their power. Hundred of complaints of sexual abuse in immigration detention centers, half of which work for ICE. Deaths of peoples in custody, and some preventable.

I for one would love to see the government shrink down in size. So Im in a way behind the people that call for ICE to shut down, but I do see the need for the agency for now at least until we fix our national security problems.

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#thebasementny #ICE #Trump

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