Zionist World Government: The Messiah is the Antichrist

4 years ago

The Jewish Messiah or Rex Mundi ("King of the World") is the Antichrist. Jesus of Nazareth (Son of God), refused to become the Messiah in the desert. Jesus Kingdom is NOT of this world. The Talmud (Jehovah-Satan) promises the Jews precisely the temptation of Christ, that is, the possession of the goods of all the peoples of the Earth. This had been the millennium-old Zionist cabal SUBVERSIVE SECRET. The final purpose of the New World Order is the establishment of a Jewish King that will rule over the entire World, from a throne on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. Fulfilling the messianic prophecies will only be achieved by spiritually destroying all the peoples of the Earth. Jehovah Satan is the false God - the chaotic god of material things, the Demiurge, and the embodiment of evil and vengeance. The Heavenly Father, the god of Jesus Christ, is the true God; one of spirituality, peace, and love, who created the heavens.

Jesus witness with horror the corruption and bloody sacrifices in Jerusalem's Second Temple, and denounced the Jews as children of the evil Jehovah. And for this they ended up murdering him.

With the destruction of the second Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem in the year 70, the modern history of the chosen people begins, whose culmination is about to take place in our days, when the Great Sanhedrin acquires world power in his hands and the Messiah completely enslaves the World. The so-called one-world government can only be completed by completely destroying Christianity. The figure of Jesus of Nazareth prevents them from gaining world domination.

The Freemasons designate Jesus Christ, the Church and Christians, such as Jubelás, Jubelós and Jubelum, "ignorance", "fanaticism" and "superstition", respectively, and thus symbolically poses the struggle to the death against them. In reality, Judaism has not the slightest appreciation or consideration for Freemasons: they simply consider them "useful fools" in their service. Third Temple brainwashed Freemasons are able to betray their own nation and people by the idea of ​​establish a Messianic (satanic-Talmudic) tyranny of which they will NOT take a part of. And most of them had no idea of it.

The secret of Jehovah is not revealed to Low Grade Freemasons. Jehovah-Satan (Moloch) needs the food of bloody sacrifices by slaughter, bleeding and burnt offering. He sealed with a covenant the ancient priests of Moloch and created for their service his holy nation, his chosen people: Israel. The hexagram on the flag of Israel disguises the occult symbol of Jahbulon (Jehovah-Baal-Saturn) and represents the 666 or number of the beast, a hidden symbol of Satan.The Talmud and other rabbinic writings, encourage Jews to accept as Messiah a man with the exact characteristics of the Antichrist; his seven-year covenant, his rebuilding of the temple and starting the daily sacrifice.

Israel traverses the millennia and into its future of Glory, as empires and kingdoms sink into the dust of history. The Great Sanhedrin, whose boundless ambition, a ruthless desire for revenge, and an intense hatred for the white race, have been destroying by arms all the countries that opposed Zion; Palestine, Germany, Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, today Syria and soon Iran. Israel continues to create conflicts between nations of the East and the United States, with the intention of confronting Christians with Islam in a Third World War that, by devastating the established empires, makes Judaism out of the ruins to instigate the Messianic World Government.

The messiah will no solve any of our problems, it is the reason of ALL of them. The Jewish idea of the messiah has been the cause of wars, misery, suffering and evil in this world. The coming Messiah will be the Apocalypse's false prophet.

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