Spicer & Co ~ Full Show ~ 25th November 2020.

3 years ago

Spicer & Co ~ Full Show ~ 25th November 2020. Newsmax.

President Trump was absolutely right to pardon General Mike Flynn. What the Corrupt, Obiden admin, the FBI, The Lying Media, and the disgusting Kangaroo Court of judge Sullivan, put General Mike Flynn through is beyond corruption. These people above anyone else should uphold the law down to a T, but they pissed all over the law to cover their own crooked backs. It was blatantly obvious why Sullivan wouldn't let it go, He knew that he had to keep Flynn until the election, because he also knew that the Democrats would steal the election, and then every dirty thing would be brushed under the carpet If it was up to me, I would disbar the lot of 'em, they're a complete disgrace to justice.

Congratulations, General Mike Flynn🥂

Never Back Down! Never Lose Faith! Never Give Up!

🏍Godspeed President🏆Donald J Trump🏆🏍

I'll try to upload news shows that report fairly the day after they've aired.

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