The Tyranny of Choice: The Forbidden Politics

3 years ago

According to José Ortega y Gasset: "Being on the left is, like being on the right, one of the infinite ways in which man can choose to be an idiot." The masses do not interest politicians in the least, except when they need votes. The representatives of the nation are not chosen by reason, but by ignorant and easily manipulated voters.
According to Jung: "Only in goalless times does chaotic parliamentary conversation grow. The times of the masses are always the times of a leader who becomes the embodiment of the soul of the people and their voice."
During the democratic republic of Weimar, the country broke down and the people became discouraged. There were very high suicide rates in the country, large amounts of drugs and prostitution. They needed a leader with the vision and passion for moving the country forward. And that's what they got. Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, and Germany quickly rose from the ashes to become the most powerful and prosperous nation in Europe. It was Hitler's dedication and love for his homeland and its people that enabled this miracle. Today, thousands of perverse lies have disfigured the image of one of the greatest men in history.
Jung defined Hitler as: "Lack of individualism, identified with the collective soul of his nation, possessed by its collective unconscious."
Throughout the ages, the enlightened, philosophers and sages have announced the incarnation of a Savior-King who will come to reinstate the Imperium and the golden age for a thousand years. For its part, the millennial work of the Jew tries to supplant the Aryan Imperator by the biblical Messiah.
The two Jewish masterstrokes, prepared over centuries in its lodges, have been the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution. Through the imposition of democracy and communism, their intention is the implantation of a messianic world government based in Israel, where only they will live a paradise on earth, through the suffering and slavery of the entire world. Not for nothing did Hitler consider the Jevvs as the root of evil in the world.
Frederick II, emperor from 1220 to 1250, had been prepared and chosen by the Templars in 1228 to carry out the establishment of the universal messianic kingdom in Jerusalem. But the plan failed, because Frederick II came to know the true "secret" of the messianic plan. This is how he ended up rejecting the Templars' plans and confronting them. He began in gnosis and sought the key to hidden things in search of knowledge through the history of the Gral and ancient knowledge.
After the death of Federico Barbarroja, the legend focused on him, reminding him of the sleeping emperor who waits inside a mountain, waiting for the day when his people need him again. "Then the Reich that will last a thousand years will encompass all of Europe." In this way, the Germans give their freedom to a Leader (Fuhrer) in times of serious crisis, to follow him with loyalty and discipline until order returns to the world. As Eric Muraise emphasizes, "the legend of the sleeping emperor will acquire a new magnitude when it is based on the poetic transposition of the legend of the Gral (Grail)".
The myths of the search for the Grail, especially Parsifal, are always similar. Amfortas, the sick King, refers to a period of historical and spiritual decline. The best knights set out to search for the Grail in an attempt to end the evils that plague the Kingdom and allow the ancient splendor to return. Only one of them, Parsifal, a naive commoner, manages to find the Grail and restore the well-being of the Kingdom, healing the King with the Lance of Longinus and being crowned.
In Hegelian terms, when there is acephaly, weakness in power, one social force (Parsifal) predominates over the rest (the other knights), replacing the existing order with a New Order, an encouragement accepted by the people. The Grail confirms the royal function as undisputed King. All the peoples will have their King of the Grail if the action of the Hebrew synarchy, with its democracy, socialism, communism, had not usurped the royal function in favor of the arrival of the Messiah (antichrist).
Although Hitler ultimately lost the war, he won the ideological battle. The enemies of humanity have been unmasked before the face of the Earth, and their messianic intentions are already lost. There will be a moment of maximum dramatic tension, when the enemy plans seem to be fulfilled, the sleeping emperor will wake up from his mountain, Parsifal will incarnate again, waging the inevitable fight for human liberation. Celebrate the victory, peoples of Earth, A future of splendor and greatness is possible. We must uphold the myth and revive it, keep the flame alive!

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