Übermensch: The Forbidden Heroism

4 years ago

Slave's Morality, Dysgenics, Dystopia; BAD
Lord's Morality, Eugenics, Utopia; GOOD

According to Leon Degrelle: "Hero is the one who sacrifices his life in defense of the community, of the Homeland, stripped of all personal selfishness." A hero prefers to die to remain subjugated, hence his figure is idolized and is a permanent revolutionary inspiration. Death forges the legend of the martyr, achieving immortality in eternal glory.

In Indo-Aryan religions, only heroes fallen in battle achieved spiritual salvation. The blood of the heroes came closer to the gods than the prayer of the saints. Men did not prostrate themselves before the gods, on the contrary, they showed an attitude of camaraderie. The Indo-Aryans did not pray, but stood erect, sword in hand and arm raised. For the knights, Kshatriya warriors, Vikings, Spartans, and samurai, life had to be lived with courage and joy, with honor and glory, even if it was short. For Nietzsche, this is the Lord’s morality.

On the other hand, in Semitic religions, the promise of salvation is not associated with heroism in battle, but with the Slave Morality. The excessive fear of God and the attitude of submission are exalted, where the weaknesses become virtues; Suffering, submission, and poverty are perceived as something good, a synonym of holiness. This gives as origin nihilistic civilizations that despise life. According to Nietzsche, Judaism promoted this kind of morality in Europe through Christianity.

The greatest fear of international synarchy is that humanity rediscovers the Lord's Morality and recover their heroic values of their ancestors. Therefore, they promote miscegenation, dysgenesis and the morals of slaves. Its purpose, established in the KALERGI Plan, is to generate a mestizo race, weak and manipulable, of inferior character and intelligence on which they can govern eternally. While fostering miscegenation, Jevvs maintain their racial integrity. This is how they obtain world power.

According to HitIer, "only a racially pure people can defeat the Jew." The race generates a natural unity among its members that, instead of presenting opposing interests, act in consonance, being able to self-sacrifice for the common good. The opposite would be in multiracial states driven by Jevvs, where each individual is placed as an enemy of their neighbor, and all are guided by selfish impulses.

According to Degrelle "German racism has been distorted. It was never an "anti-other race" racism. It was a pro-German racism. Concerned with making the German race strong and healthy in every way. "The moral system of National Socialism was derived from the ideals of Nietzsche's Superman: What is morally correct is eugenic, since it improves the conditions of life. What is morally bad is dysgenic, that is, it degrades life and allows the generation of the subhuman, the Jevvs wet dream.

National Socialism restored the Lord's morale by promoting positivist Christianity, where Jesus was exalted as a hero who was against misery and suffering. Jesus did not go to the temple to kneel or pray, but to fight against the corruption of the Jewish Pharisees.

In the "Essay on Wotan", by Dr Carl Gustav Jung, Odin is depicted as a Christ riding a white horse. Like Jesus of Nazareth, Odin was crucified and resurrected to give humanity the knowledge of salvation. Odin embodies the ideal of heroism: self-sacrifice and tireless struggle.

The Berserk warriors received initiation in the "mysteries of Odin", awakening in the deepest part of their being a mysterious and inexplicable force. Carl Jung claimed that, when HitIer was possessed by Odin, he was no longer human. Although he tends to behave "like an ordinary, shy and friendly person, when the Spirit-of-the-People speaks through him, he utters a voice of thunder and his word is so powerful that it sweeps the immense multitudes."

The ardent desire to be liberated transmutes human nature, resurrects the warrior spirit, the heroic instinct. The superman, with a fervent fervor, unleashes a perpetual rebellion against the world synarchy. He does not care to win or lose, but to fight tirelessly, as when the Fuhrer declared total war against the banking powers. This is true the purpose of the savior.

HitIer said: "You cannot get the wise man out of a hundred fools, and a heroic decision cannot come out of a hundred cowards." Companions of struggle, in your spirit, exist the strength and wisdom to achieve Victory. Those who have managed to love their people more than themselves, raise their arms and honor the blood of the fallen martyrs with a silent greeting.

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