How to prepare benefit-rich clove tea to treat all kinds of infections and relieve pain

4 years ago

Cloves are one of the best natural analgesics for tooth and gum pain, as they are gargling with clove drink or anointing the pain site with clove oil. Thanks to that, it contains effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic substances.
It is also a strong anti-microbial, which prevents the spread of infection inside the mouth, and thus eliminates the inflammation of the teeth and the pain that causes it.
Cloves contain compounds that help treat any memory impairment caused by oxidative stress.
Cloves have proven their ability and effectiveness to fight germs and bacteria that cause many diseases, which are transmitted through food.
The active ingredient in cloves has proven effective in preventing and treating cancer as well. It is considered an effective treatment for skin cancer and prevention of infection.
Clove is an effective anti-depressant remedy, which is highly effective in improving mood and eliminating symptoms of depression.
Polluted air causes lung infections, which will turn into a dangerous disease in the long run. Cloves help in treating this condition, to avoid any side effects or serious diseases in the long term.
Cloves contribute greatly to treating arthritis and relieving pain

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