"Wisdom Sings His Story" Volume lll

4 years ago

Audio Illustrator James Newman and New Man Studios presents the Black Canvas Audio Illustrations. This series is designed to depict stories from the Bible by using a black background as the canvas while I illustrate and paint with both sound and word. This technique allows the viewer-listener to participate in these illustrations by using their imagination. All compositions in this series are original and have been developed to evoke all the emotion of the event to help the viewer-listener feel as though they were seeing the events unfold.

"The Bible (Wisdom sings His story (Volume lll (The end and new beginning)))"

Wisdom sings His story volume lll is the third and last portion of my musical audio book trilogy based on an overview of the Bible.

Volume lll starts with Jesus's warnings of the various future events that take place before He comes to set up His Kingdom on the Earth. During this time of Jacob's troubles Jesus while in Heaven opens 7 seals each of which signifies various events upon the Earth...wars, famines, and martyrdom. There will also be signs and wonders in the cosmos including the sun darkening black as sackcloth and the moon turning red as blood. He states in the gospels of the Bible that when we see these things happening then look up to the sky for our redemption is right at hand.

Jesus comes to gather all who are His, both those who believed who have already died and those who are still alive who believe upon Him for their salvation. Both the believing dead and living are caught up in the air to meet Jesus in the clouds and then taken to Heaven to be with Christ. This resurrection of Life happens while the 6th seal is opened and a huge influx of people from all tribes and tongues and nations are now found in Heaven...the resurrection of Life is now complete.

The 7th seal is opened and then 7 trumpets and 7 bowls of judgement are then blown and poured out upon the remainder of the people who are left on the Earth to judge them for their sins.

When Christ is finished with those judgments He and his army ride out of Heaven down to take over the Earth, free captive Israel from their oppressors and establish his Kingdom on the Earth.

At the start of His Kingdom, Jesus has Satan bound with chains and cast down into the Abyss and locked away during His 1000 year reign. There will be peace upon the Earth during His reign. Israel will be served by the nations on the Earth and will live securely no longer having any enemies, and will be the most blessed by their King, Jesus who is the Christ.

At the end of the 1000 year Kingdom, Satan is released to go out for a short while to deceive the nations once more. As the nations surround Jerusalem to overtake Christ and His saints, God rains down fire from Heaven and destroys all on the Earth.

At that time Jesus resurrects all who were not part of the Resurrection of Life (1000 years earlier) and brings them before His judgment seat at the Great White Throne. Books are opened and their deeds are read in court, and they are judged and thrown into the Lake of Fire (an eternal prison).

At the end of the final judgment, Jesus recreates a new Heaven, Earth and new Jerusalem in which those who were of the Resurrection of Life and the God head (The Father, The Son, and The Holy spirit) all live forever in harmony and one with God, as it was in the beginning with Adam and eve before sin entered the world.

James Newman 's music can be purchased at: jamesnewman.bandcamp.com

Purchase "Wisdom Sings His story Vol lll" (Audio only) here:

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