The fastest, 3-effective, proven mixtures to get rid of lice and nits in one day

4 years ago

How to protect hair from lice:

We also know very well that prevention is better than cure, and that is why we will show you the most important tips that help you prevent the spread of lice on the scalp:
Not sharing personal items with others: Be careful to avoid sharing personal items with others, such as hairbrushes, towels, sheets, clothes, and head coverings such as hats, and hair ties, because they may lead to the transmission of lice from one person to another.
Sterilization of personal accessories: Care must be taken to sterilize all personal tools well, and it is advised to soak them in hot soapy water for a period of not less than half an hour, then wash those things well, and in the event that lice are present on some items that cannot be washed, these items can be placed in A plastic bag and close the bag well, and after a week these symptoms can be used.
Wash hair frequently: It is recommended to wash the hair frequently, especially in the case of frequent mixing of others, if the child returns to school or kindergarten a lot and deals with others in a direct way, then care must be taken to wash the child's hair every day, in order to ensure that the scalp is clean and that lice are not transmitted mechanism.

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