2020 moto ride compilation

4 years ago

Some of the more interesting sights of our 2020 motorcycle riding season in Wisconsin.

00:17 Vehicle path of travel violation (crossing over double yellow in a turn).
00:50 Inattentive driver (pulls out into intersection).
01:16 Inattentive driver (backs out of driveway).
01:50 Inattentive driver (pulls out into intersection).
02:25 Inattentive or bad driver (5-point U-turn over a double yellow, in traffic).
03:05 Inattentive driver (backs out of driveway).
03:45 Blind crest path of travel violation (vehicle pulls out into intersection).
04:31 Multiple path of travel violations in one intersection.
05:38 Inattentive or bad driver (almost runs red light, then almost rear-ends a yielding vehicle).
06:31 Bicyclist wipes out in intersection.
07:04 Downed tree, road closed.
07:59 Just someone in a full-body costume, enjoying the sunset over Lake Michigan.
08:33 Turkey crossing the road.
09:08 Deer.
09:46 More deer.
10:34 Even more deer.

All videos shot on GoPro Hero3 Silver.

"Fearless First" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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