A whistle blower has come forward

4 years ago

Another credible whistleblower comes forward TODAY ..
Yet another witness has come forward to say that she witnessed VOTER FRAUD in Detroit on election day.
This news is being actively suppressed by the Michigan Attorney General, social media companies, and by dishonest ‘fact-checking’ organizations that play word games and rely on partisan Wayne County judges to ignore dozens of witnesses who describe the same things.
Even Republican Senators are saying they see “no evidence of voter fraud.” GOP leaders say there is no observable voter fraud.
And yet somehow the Gateway Pundit seems to keep finding it and reporting it every single day.
Articia Bomer was a candidate for US Congress with the US Taxpayers Party. She is a Detroit resident, and she was present at the TCF Center on Nov. 3rd and 4th when the votes from Wayne County were tabulated.
Bomer says she witnessed MASSIVE, BLATANT VOTER FRAUD.
Bomer describes:
Hearing an announcement of 50 boxes at 4am: the Biden Ballot Dump!
Hearing that the Biden Ballot Dump was counted and processed in an impossibly short amount of time
Witnessing officials TAMPERING with tabulators at the TCF Center!
Ballot harvesting operations being done by a local Church
Poll workers overriding the actual votes, and changing Trump votes to BIDEN!
Poll workers REFUSING TO COUNT Trump votes!
Poll workers bringing in luggage and boxes that could have contained illegal ballots
Poll Workers using deceitful tactics and colluding with Democrats to try and EXPEL GOP Poll Challengers
GOP Poll Challengers being EJECTED from observing the vote count
GOP Poll Challengers were observing ILLEGAL BALLOTS and their objections were IGNORED
Poll workers being obvious Democrat PARTISANS
Suspicious meetings of the poll workers
Bomer describes a Detroit poll worker who used correction tape to rig the machines to generate errors that could be overridden by staff.

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