Self-Healing Activation #1

4 years ago

✨ This track is a self-healing activation track, specifically designed to help you switch-on your own self-healing abilities.

We ALL have, within us, INCREDIBLE self-healing powers. We forget how amazing our bodies are all the time! Especially when we're hurting or when we are moving through dis-ease and illness. So... let this video serve as your daily reminder to lean-into and flow WITH whatever is coming up for you right now within your body. Fighting against the body is a low-frequency (anti-nature) response. Flowing WITH whatever is showing up for your in your body is how we tap into and expand our innate self-healing frequencies.

Enjoy, and let the words within this activation soothe, strengthen and empower you.

🗣🧠 I create CUSTOM self-healing/advice/pep-talk tracks for my clients, entirely by donation. If you're interested in receiving your own custom audio track, from my heart to yours, please do visit:

Remember: YOU are an INFINITE BEING, subject only to that which you hold in your mind. 💛

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