The Legend of Oisian, Op 189

4 years ago

Oisian is a legendary figure from Irish and Scottish mythology, who had many adventures. The fairy princess Niamh
Goldenhair fell in love with Oisían's poetry and got him to join her in the immortal islands. After a long time there, Oisian
wanted to return to Ireland to see his comrades. Niamh, didn't want him to go, but lent him her horse... warning him that his
feet must not touch the ground, or he would never come back. In Ireland, Oisian not realizing how long he was gone, found
all his comrades dead. Then he saw two men struggling to carry a sack full of sand, and he bent down to help them, but his
saddle girth broke and he fell to the ground, the warning came to pass, Oisian becoming very old instantaneously.
Moral : Be careful of beautiful magical blonde ladies who like your poetry.

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