ELECTION CHAOS A Christian Response to the World Falling Apart Part 3

4 years ago

Today is Friday November 6th, 2020 and the US Election happened 3 days ago. In my lifetime this is unprecedented. Even in 2000 we had a winner announced and all the drama in Florida was a recount. But this is 2020!! It has been a nearly 2 months since I uploaded part 2. And I started working on a series called journey through the bible. I put that on pause to focus on another study about the truths of the Rapture and if I am honest I have spent / wasted too much time watching all this election mess. In the US we are continuing to see riots, division, political turmoil, COVID-19 is still with us in full force. I believe that we are witnessing the end of America and we are quickly approaching the time of the rapture of the church and subsequent tribulation. There are many people who may believe we are in the tribulation. Lord willing next week I will begin laying out the case why we are not in the tribulation and why Christians should be looking for the rapture. This video is my opinion speculating on the future based on what I see in the news but it is an educated opinion of what I have learned in 30 years learning and studying the Bible. I am not attempting to change anyone’s opinion. The intended audience for this video is anyone who is looking around and wondering what is going on and what does this all mean. Again this is my educated opinion and should not be taken as gospel. I do not claim any special revelation from God I am simply interpreting the scriptures as written.

Donald Trump / Republicans are not the Messiah
In full disclosure I voted for Trump. Jesus is our Salvation and if you are a Christian He is your King and your patriotism belongs to Him not Biden or Trump. Most likely in the next few days Joe Biden will be announced the winner. Donald Trump will fight the election results over the next weeks and may or may not win any of those legal battles. I do not believe Donald Trump is fighting on any grounds of moral superiority or devout patriotism. Trump first and foremost has always been a businessman and winning or losing the election is a matter of pride and branding.

Joe Biden / Kamala Harris / Democrats are NOT the Anti-Christ. The Tribulation is not about the Church and America. The Tribulation is about the reconciling of Israel to God and God’s wrath poured out on a world that hates HIM.

As Christians we are to serve God. We are not called to fight with violence that is the way of the flesh. We are to love those that hate us and despitefully use us

The biggest influence you have is not at the ballot box it is loving and prying for those in your life.

God is still in Control and God allows leaders to rise and fall.

Democracy is not always right see 1 Samuel 8
Israel Turned from God and wanted a King. Likewise as a people we have turned from God. Like Samuel some of us made our plea and that plea was rejected.

The problems in the world are too big for you and fighting against them is as useless as fighting a hurricane. It is in God’s hands now. Our role is to hold fast to our faith.

I believe dark days are ahead but if you have put your trust in Christ as your Lord and Savior then whatever trials we endure will be worth it in the end.

Scripture Refrences:
Hebrews 13:16-18
Matthew 5:43-45; 10:22; 24:8-10
Mark 13:12-13
Luke 6:21-23, 26-28
John 15:18-20
John 19:10&11
Daniel 4:34-37
1 Samuel 8

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